Being Healthy

Each day our cook from scratch prepares a nutritious balanced meal. Our menus vary over a 3 week cycle. Our menus are displayed for you to see and prior to your child starting with us we will ensure that all dietary requirements are discussed and catered for.
Most of our recipes can be adapted to suit dairy free, vegetarian, culture or gluten / wheat free diets.


Keeping your child healthy

and ensuring they get good nutrition whilst at nursery are two key roles we take very seriously at Smartys.

Mealtimes are happy sociable occasions where children have the opportunity to try a range of foods. Children in all rooms are encouraged to sit together and show excellent table manners.

We always make sure that we find out how the children have been and ask if there’s anything else we need to know. This handover provides opportunity to keep staff updated on the child’s current preferences with regards to their routine and up to date with any developments. Our babies enjoy a variety of meals throughout the day consisting of breakfast, lunch and tea, prepared by our qualified cooks using traditional home cooking as their secret. Babies are offered water with every meal and water is available throughout the day.

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Some of our babies have breast, formula or cows milk during the day. We do ask for all parents to provide all of this each day and the carers will provide these feeds to the children when needed.
Our babies are offered a variety of snacks during the day, it is important for their little tummies to eat little and often to keep their metabolisms going. We offer a variety of foods to tempt their palates and to experience new textures and tastes.
We encourage all meal and snack times to be social. All of the children sit at the same level and are encouraged to interact and chat to each other. We also help to wean babies in our baby nursery. All meals prepared are at the correct consistency (purred, blended, and lumpy) for each individual child.

We follow parent’s wishes as to where and when the babies sleep. We have a variety of cots, bouncers and sleep mats. We do not have set times for sleeping. Babies sleep as needed but also in line with their parents wishes.

Our babies nappies are changed regularly throughout the day or whenever needed. The carers check the babies’ nappies regularly. Each child has their own box where we store your child’s own nappies, wipes and creams (we do ask for parents to provide these).

Our babies are encouraged to explore and become mobile as they begin to cruise, crawl and walk around the rooms.

We follow parent’s wishes as to where and when the babies sleep. We have a variety of cots, bouncers and sleep mats. We do not have set times for sleeping. Babies sleep as needed but also in line with their parents wishes.

Our babies nappies are changed regularly throughout the day or whenever needed. The carers check the babies’ nappies regularly. Each child has their own box where we store your child’s own nappies, wipes and creams (we do ask for parents to provide these).

Our babies are encouraged to explore and become mobile as they begin to cruise, crawl and walk around the rooms.


Meet our head chef Sharon..

We are also proud to confirm that all of Smartys kitchens continue to hold a 5-star Environmental Health grading.

Sharon is an incredibly experienced chef and has held a variety of senior roles at various childcare and healthcare establishments over a decade. Shee brings a wealth of experience and knowledge and ensures that all the children who attend the nursery enjoy a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

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